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Build the layout of your dreams one module at a time. Module Kits can be assembled and bolted together side-to-side in any configuration. The Straight Module Kit creates a module that is 18" d x 36" l (45.7 cm x 91.4 cm).
Save over purchasing items separately.
Track not included. Click Contents for complete list of included materials.
Woodland is committed to a business practice, which supports the economy of our local community.
We manufacture the vast majority of our products at our Linn Creek, Missouri manufacturing plant, which also houses our product development, package and creative design, marketing, sales and customer service operations.
Many of the products or parts of the products we manufacture overseas, come back home for packaging and shipping by Woodland employees.
When you purchase Woodland Quality Brands, you support American manufacturing working in balance with a global economy to support American jobs.
-Model making product. Not a toy! Not suitable for children under 14 years!
-Produit pour le modélisme. Pas un jouet! Pas adapté aux enfants de moins de 14 ans!
-Producto para modelismo. No es un juguete! No adecuado para niños menores de 14 años!
-Modellbauartikel. Kein Spielzeug! Nicht geeigent für Kinder unter 14!
CAUTION: Cutting tools recommended. Use with care.
ALLERGY CAUTION: Contains tree nut by-products.
ALLERGIQUE ATTENTION: Contient l’écrou arborescence sous-produits.
PRECAUCIÓN ALERGIAS: Contiene derivados de frutos secos.
ALLERGIEWARNUNG: Beinhaltet Baumnuss – Nebenprodukte.
Woodland Quality Brands is committed to manufacturing superior quality, safety-tested products. All of our modeling materials are evaluated by a Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Approved Toxicologist to ensure they meet the standards for art materials set out by ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) International, if applicable. "ASTM International, formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), is a globally recognized leader in the development and delivery of international voluntary consensus standards. Today, some 12,000 ASTM standards are used around the world to improve product quality, enhance safety, facilitate market access and trade, and build consumer confidence." For more information about ASTM International, visit
Yes, Flex-track can be used with no problem.
Cut out a section of Riser where the under table switch will be located. Use 1/4" piece of Foam Sheet, Masonite or plywood to bridge the gap. Notch each end of the Riser to accommodate the thickness of the material. The material should be level with the Riser. Glue into place and mount the switch according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Mod-U-Rail kits are not pre-built. They are kits containing terrain and landscape materials needed to complete each modular section. Track, train and other details are sold separately.
For the 9 x 9 layout, you need the following:
(2) ST4801 - Straight Kit
(2) ST4790 - Straight Stand
(5) ST4802 - Corner Kit
(5) ST4791 - Corner Stand
(1) ST4780 - Connector Set
Mod-U-Rail Modules can be connected to the Scenic Ridge Layout. To connect the two together, we recommend using the Mod-U-Rail Connector Plate Set.
A modified track plan that connects Scenic Ridge to the Mod-U-Rail Modules will need to be configured. We do not have track plans, but there are many available resources. We suggest searching the Internet or purchasing a model railroad track plan book.
The extra items are terrain and landscape materials needed to complete the suggested layout. Exact placement depends on your layout design. The included instructions cover how to use most of the materials, and our website has loads of how-to video demonstrations. Also, the individual products contain instructions explaining how to use them.
Suggested track plans for N and HO are included in the instructions, however Mod-U-Rail is compatible for scales Z through O.
We recommend Foam Tack Glue for attaching track.
Click here to view a demonstration of attaching track.